你可以在這裡盡情嘗試 wiki 的各項功能, 但是別把四個減號上面的說明改掉了...(就是本段!) 還有, 請 *不要* 只是因為想試試看, 就新增沒有內容/意義的頁面.
提示: 按住 Shift 鍵再點選 "HelpOnEditing" 就可以在另一個視窗裡打開編輯說明. IE 用戶請在 "HelpOnEditing" 上點右鍵, 選「在新視窗開啟」. Firefox 或 Mozilla 用戶可以試試用滑鼠中鍵, 在新的分頁中開啟.
斜體 粗體 非調和字
倒單引號帶出的非調和字 (這個功能可能會關掉)
放大 縮小
#!Colorize python (-) def syntax(highlight): print "on" return None
HelpOnEditing InterWiki 中文的MoinMoin
http://purl.net/wiki/moin/ Python
- 第一點
- 帶編號的巢狀清單
- 編號會一直往上加
- 第二點
- 第三點
- 又見面了!
- 再縮排
- 專有名詞
- 定義
標題 1
標題 2
標題 3
標題 4
IRC 對話記錄測試
#!Colorize irc (-) (23:18) < jroes> ah (23:19) < jroes> hm, i like the way {{{works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap (23:21) -!- gpciceri [~gpciceri@host181-130.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] (23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor (23:38) < jroes> i could? (23:38) < jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though? (23:38) < jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x (23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable (23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code (23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though (23:40) < jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki (23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option awdsd asdasd sa asdasd sad asdadasds adasd asd asd asd asd asd a dadad ad adad ad asd asd adad asdasd asd adad as d (23:40) < jroes> yeah :/