## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. ##master-page:None ##master-date:None #acl MoinPagesEditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read #format wiki #language en This is a list of all system pages that are not in a particular group: * MoinI18n * BadContent * EditedSystemPages This is a list of all group pages grouping system pages of one language each: * SystemPagesInSimplifiedChineseGroup * SystemPagesInTraditionalChineseGroup * SystemPagesInDanishGroup * SystemPagesInDutchGroup * SystemPagesInEnglishGroup * SystemPagesInFrenchGroup * SystemPagesInGermanGroup * SystemPagesInHebrewGroup * SystemPagesInItalianGroup * SystemPagesInJapaneseGroup * SystemPagesInNorwegianBokmalGroup * SystemPagesInPolishGroup * SystemPagesInPortugueseGroup * SystemPagesInRussianGroup * SystemPagesInSerbianGroup * SystemPagesInSpanishGroup * SystemPagesInSwedishGroup * SystemPagesInFinnishGroup * SystemPagesInHungarianGroup * SystemPagesInCzechGroup If you do a new translation, please add your group page here. /!\ The first level list for the group must only contain the names of the pages in that group. No language flags, no English original names, no comments - better put that stuff onto a 2nd-level list item below the 1st-level one. Moin has functions to make use of the group pages, but they do only work if the 1st-level list is "clean". There should be no other 1st-level lists on the pages.