
素のUbuntuをインストールしても、無線LANが使えないとか画面サイズを正しく認識しないとか、いろいろ不都合がある。 ネットを探せばそれぞれ個別に対処方法は見つかるが、一つ一つの問題をちまちま解決して行くのも面倒。

という訳で、ライブCDの部屋で配布しているEeePC向けのカスタム・ディストリビューションを使用する。 Xubuntuベースのものと、素のUbuntuベースのものがあるが、ここでは素のUbuntuベースのeeeUbuntuを選択。 eeeUbuntuには、ほとんど全てのEeePC向けFIXが既に組み込まれているので、インストール直後から快適に使える。素晴らしい!





cpufreq-set -d 113MHz

cpufreq-set -u 900MHz

Audio after suspend/resume

For some reason the sound doesn't always come back after resuming on EeePc 90x hardware. Alsa needs to be instructed to specifically suspend and resume its own modules before the OS does.

(Note: this doesn't appear to be a problem under EeePc 70x hardware, or for Gutsy, however I cannot confirm :)

Warning: After applying this hack you may see a warning message after resuming that says the gnome-mixer has quit unexpectedly. Just click the reload button each time, or hit cancel to remove the applet. Currently there is no work-around to this problem.

Note: This may not be a 100% solution. After the resuming, the sound device tests work (System –> Preferences –> Sound), audio on applications like Skype work, but the Gnome 'System Sounds' still do not work after resuming even after reloading the mixer (e.g. the 'logout' sound no longer plays). If you log out and log back in again (no reboot needed), the 'System Sounds' do come back, so perhaps some other Gnome item also needs to be restarted.

Step 1: Modify /etc/default/alsa and change “force_unload_modules_before_suspend” to


Step 2 : Create /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/45sound


if [ ! -x /sbin/alsa ]; then
        exit 0;

case "$1" in
                /sbin/alsa suspend
                /sbin/alsa resume

exit $?

Step 3 : Make /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/45sound executable

$ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/45sound

Root on SD/SDHC card Gnome keyring problem

(solution provided by knox)

The Bug #218434 only affect systems running their root filesystem from an external device - such as the eeePC's SD-card reader. Therefore i have adapted one of the given workarounds by making use of the hal policy mechanism:

$ sudo mousepad /etc/hal/fdi/policy/removable_root_fix.fdi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- --> 
<deviceinfo version="0.2">

    <match key="volume.mount_point" string="/">    
    <merge key="@block.storage_device:storage.removable" type="bool">false</merge>


$ sudo invoke-rc.d hal restart

It perfectly resolves the issue for me.
