
要创建新页面,只要在已有的页面上加入它的 WikiName 然后保存之。这时,您就可以在这个刚刚修改过得页面上点击它,因为它已经自动变成链接了。

现在你已经得到了你的新页面了,而且你可以像编辑其他页面那样编辑它了。当你 第一次 保存它之后,它就会被自动创建出来了。通常情况下页面是无法被删除1的,所以在写下新的 WikiName 之前应该保证它的正确性。

关于如何创建指向子页面的连接,请参见 HelpOnEditing/SubPages


要创建一个模板页面,只要按照上面的步骤创建一个用名称以 "Template"2 结尾的页面即可。这个模板页将会被加入那个当你试图察看不存在的页面时显示的模板页列表。例如,NonExiststantHelpPage 中就包含一个链接到 HelpTemplate 模板页的链接,当你点击那个链接时,就会将 HelpTemplate 的内容载入到编辑栏。












签名 ”-- 登录名“


带日期签名 “-- 登录名 日期 时间”


一个神秘的带有用户信息的 mailto: 链接



如果一个用户拥有一个用ホーム标识的主页3,他的所保存的和预览的内容将以子页面 HomePageName/MoinEditorBackup (允许生成子页面时)的形式或者以页面 HomePageNameMoinEditorBackup (不允许生成子页面)的形式备份。


注意:此功能曾经通过一个名为 moin-editor-backup.txt 的主页附件来实现,但是由于一些安全问题的出现而引入访问控制列表(参见 HelpOnAccessControlLists )后,改成了现在的方式。

Creating a new page

You create a new page by visiting the page. If the page does not exists, MoinMoin will suggest to create it. There are several ways to create a new page:

By Adding a link on another page

  1. Edit another page
  2. Add a link to the new page, either as a WikiName or as ["Name With Spaces"]

  3. Save the page and click the new link
  4. Click one of the template names
  5. Edit your new page and save it

For more information on linking to other pages, see HelpOnLinking.

By visiting the page

  1. Enter the address of the new page, e.g http://example.com/wiki/MyNewPage in the browser location box and press Enter

  2. Click one of the template names
  3. Edit your new page and save it

    (!) Might not work on all browsers if the page name contains non ASCII characters.

By using the NewPage macro

If the current page uses the NewPage macro:

  1. Enter the page name in the text box and click "新しいページを作成"

  2. Edit your page and save it


The NewPage macro make it easy to create new pages in one step, using certain template or automatically creating a sub page. For more help on NewPage macro, see HelpOnMacros.

By using the GoTo macro

If the current page uses the GoTo macro:

  1. Enter the page name in the text box and click "ページへ移動"

  2. Click "Create new page"
  3. Edit your page and save it


Creating and using template pages

To create a template, follow the above description and create a page with a name ending in "Template". This page will then be added to the list of template pages displayed when you try to show a non-existent page. For example, NonExistentHelpPage has a link to HelpTemplate that loads the content of HelpTemplate into the editor box, when you click on that link.

  • (!) The wiki administrator can change the template pages name rules, for example, allow templates pages using multiple languages.

Variable substitution when saving a page

The following variables are substituted when a page is saved. Note that they will appear unreplaced in the preview!





Name of the page (useful for template pages)



Current date in the system's format



Current date and time in the user's format

2004-08-30 06:38:05


Just the user's name (or his domain/IP)



Signature "-- loginname"

-- TheAnarcat


Dated Signature "-- loginname date time"

-- TheAnarcat 2004-08-30 06:38:05


A fancy mailto: link with the user's data

None - on public sites, better use the MailTo macro)

You can use HomePageName/MyDict to expand those variables, just put a WikiDict there with your variables and values.

Note that saving template or form definition pages and using preview does not expand variables. Other than that, variable expansion is very global and happens anywhere on the page, including code displays, comments, processing instructions and other "special" areas of a page you might think are excluded.

Editor backup

If you have a homepage (a page with the same name as your user name), each time you save or preview a page, a backup of the text is saved as UserName/MoinEditorBackup. If your browser crashed when editing a page and you did a preview, you can get the text from the backup. Use preview often!

  • (!) If sub pages are disabled, the backup is saved as UserNameMoinEditorBackup

  • 1

    • wiki 管理员可以激活页面删除功能(建议仅仅用于内部网络)。
  • 2 如果管理员修改了默认社设置,定义模板页所使用的名称规则可能会不同。

  • 3 拥有主页就是说 wiki 中有一个和你的登录名同名的页面。

帮助-新建网页 (最終更新日時 2006-01-11 11:13:41)